WOO 4.0 Firmware Release Notes
Two CPU Cores -> Two Firmwares
Your WOO 4.0 has two separate Firmwares. One is for the so called APP Core, the second one is for the NET Core. Most firmware updates will be related to the APP Core, but there may be times where you will be prompted for two subsequent Firmware Updates in sequence.
APP Core
Version (released May 6, 2024)
Bug fixes and improvelemts, amongst others:
- WOO remembers the time during a hard reset
- Fixed "WOOMIES" (endless jumps)
Version (released October 30, 2023)
Ironing out little kinks in the newborn baby. Fixes include amongst others:
- WOO switching on when left in the charger / draining battery
- Purple light appearing / deleting session(s)
- General LED behavior of WOO and charger
Version (released August 25, 2023)
First WOO 4.0 production version. Off we go!
NET Core
Version 3.2.99 (released August 25, 2023)
First WOO 4.0 production version. Off we go!
Updated about 1 month ago