The bridge between your WOO and the WOO Community...
The My WOO Section
You can directly go to the My WOO section by tapping the middle icon on the bottom menu.

Here, we'll walk you through everything you can do within the My WOO Section of the WOO Sports App. Including:
· My WOO
· Connect New WOO
· WOO Connected
· WOO Recording
· Change Modes
· Update WOO Firmware
· Download Sessions· Select a Session
· Delete a Session
· Save a Session· Set a Spot
· Hashtag Your Gear
· Tag A Rider
· Combine Runs
· Unlocked Achievements
· Go Kiting
if the iOS or Android screenshot is missing from the feature-docs, it means the feature is not yet included in the platform you're not seeing (iOS or Android)
The My WOO section of the WOO Spots App is the center for communication and interaction with your WOO. From here you can connect to another WOO, Update firmware on the WOO, Download sessions as well as Upload and Save sessions.
Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your phone when trying to communicate, connect, or interact with your WOO.
Connect New WOOThe first time you open the My WOO section of the WOO Sports App you will not have a WOO connected to your phone yet. So you need to connect a new WOO to your phone. Here's how you can connect a new WOO to your phone:
- Tap on the plus in the upper right corner and make sure to have bluetooth enabled.
- Wait for the phone to scan for available WOO's
- Once one or several WOO-ID's are showing, press the WOO-ID that corresponds with your WOO.
- Done! You'll be taken back to the main screen where the phone will connect to your WOO.

You can find the WOO-ID engraved on the bottom of your WOO. The format will look like this: WOO-XXXX-XXXX, where the X's will be the unique combination of letters and number for your WOO.
Make use of this to make sure to connect the "right" WOO, if multiple are around you.
WOO ConnectedConnect your WOO to your phone by turning the WOO on (Standby), placing it close to your phone, and press the My WOO icon from the bottom menu. The phone will try and find your WOO and connect to your WOO.
When the WOO is connected to your phone, some more information about the status of your WOO is shown on the phone, including:
· WOO-ID that the phone is connected to
· WOO-Mode that the WOO is currently in (wanting to Change Modes ?)
· Battery Level of the WOO
· If there is a new Firmware available for the WOO that is connected to your phone.
· If your WOO has any Sessions on the WOO within the current WOO-Mode it's in.

Did You Know?
The image of the WOO that you see in the My WOO section when the phone is connected, or trying to connect, to your WOO indicates what generation WOO you have. For WOO 1.0 & WOO 2.0 units, the image will be of a black WOO where the button faces left for WOO 1.0 units, and the button faces right for WOO 2.0 units. For WOO 3.0 units, the image will be of a white WOO where the button faces right.
WOO RecordingWhen your WOO is connected to the phone, it might be that your WOO is in recording mode (Blinking Red). This is also indicated by the phone by (on iOS) the title stating *'Recording...', or by (on Android) the 'status'-circle to the right of the WOO-Image turning to Red as well as a moving animated bar underneath the Battery Level.
While your WOO is recording (Blinking Red) you cannot interact with your WOO, meaning you cannot Download Sessions, Change Modes, or update Firmware while the WOO is recording. Please turn the WOO to Standby (Blinking Green) for any interaction between the phone and the WOO.

Change ModesChanging modes is simple and can be done right on your WOO Sensor. Just press and hold the power button for around 5 seconds while the WOO is in Stand-by mode (blinking Green). You should see the blink pattern change to confirm the switch was successful.
Learn mode about the LED-patterns of your WOO here: LED Blinking Modes.
Update WOO FirmwareEvery time you connect your WOO to your phone, the App check if the firmware on your WOO is still the latest and greatest firmware available for your WOO. In case you have the latest firmware running on your WOO, you will not notice this check even happens. But in case there is a newer firmware version available, you'll be prompted by a 'Update Available' popup.
The update will take up to 5 minutes, depending on your phone. Please make sure your WOO is on Standby (blinking green) and near your phone during the update. Be aware that any sessions stored on your WOO will be lost (applying to firmware version 3.30.27 / 31.1.27 or earlier). Also make sure your WOO is at least 80% charged before starting the firmware update.

Updating the firmware on your WOO causes the WOO to be wiped clean (for firmware version 3.30.27 / 31.1.27 or earlier), meaning that any session that are still on your WOO will be lost. Be sure to download all sessions to your phone before initiating the Firmware Update (Freestyle and Big Air Mode each).
· Simply tap 'Cancel' or 'No' to the firmware update,
· Download the Sessions for each game mode individually,
· Reconnect your WOO to the phone,
· Press 'Update' to start the Firmware Update
Once the firmware update is complete, you will see a popup appear on your phone that indicates that you've successfully updated the firmware on your WOO.
Download SessionsWhen you connect the WOO to your phone, the phone will check if there are any session on your WOO. It will do so only in the selected game mode, meaning Freestyle sessions will only get downloaded while in Freestyle Mode, and Big Air sessions will only get download with the WOO Sensor in Big Air Mode. If there is a session on your WOO that's ready to be downloaded, the 'Download' button will appear. Once downloaded, sessions will be queued in your WOO Sessions to Save, ready to be uploaded and saved. Simply tab the 'Download' button to download all sessions from the mode you're in to your phone.

The phone will only check for sessions in the current Mode your WOO is in, so make sure your WOO is in the correct mode while going for a session as well as when trying to download sessions.f.e. downloading sessions while your WOO is in Freestyle Mode will only download Freestyle Sessions.
Select a SessionOnce downloaded, your session will be queued for saving in the Sessions to Save. Note that sessions stack for all modes within a sport: e.g. in WOO Kite, downloaded Big Air and Freestyle sessions stack together in your WOO Sessions to Save. We recommend saving immediately after downloading a session so you don't miss out on Daily Leaderboards (Email). Select the session you want to Save by simply tapping on one of the session rows.

Delete a SessionYou can also delete a session, although we wouldn't know why, by doing one of the following things:
On iOS: swipe left on one of the session preview rows to reveal the Delete button. Press the Delete button to delete the session.
On Android: long-press on the session you want to delete. This will bring up a little window where you can tap on "remove session" to confirm.

Save a SessionNow that you've selected a WOO Session to Save, there are a number of things you can add to the session to really make it stand out, including (*manatory):
· Session Photo
· Session Description (including #hashtags and @tag-a-rider)
· Session Spot
· Session Kite
· Session Board Type
Once finalized, press Save to upload your session to the WOO Community to start collecting likes & comments. If you've unlocked any new achievements during the session, you're likely to see which achievements you unlocked. If you didn't unlock any new achievements, you'll be taken to the Session Details of your session, where you will see an overview of your session, as well as a jump-by-jump breakdown to review your session.

Did You Know?
You can add #hashtags to your session description. Put a #hashtag in your session description so that your session shows up on that custom #hashtag Leaderboard & Activity Feed. #hashtags in a session description links to the custom Leaderboard for that #hashtag.
Set a SpotYou need to set a spot for each session you want to save and upload. You can either search a spot, or select spot for the pre-populated list of spots. You'll notice that your homespot is always nicely convenient at the top of the list. Other that your homespot, the pre-populated spots on the list are based on your current location, and are ordered by how nearby you they are.

If you can't find the spot you're looking for, please check out our documentation on how to submit a new spot here: Add a Spot
Hashtag Your SessionYou can add #hashtags to your session description. Put a #hashtag in your session description so that your session shows up on that custom #hashtag Leaderboard & Activity Feed. #hashtags in a session description links to the custom Leaderboard for that #hashtag.

Tag A RiderYou can also tag the friends you rode with in your Session Description or comment. Simply tab the new @ symbol or type an @ and select which account you want to tag.

Combine RunsWhen you ride for the second time in a day and download the session data off your WOO to your smartphone, the WOO Sports App will check if you already posted a session during that day. If so, you can add your run to your session of the day. The App will prefill the Session Photo, Session Description, and Session Spot with the details from your earlier session of the day.
All you need to do is leave the slider to be active (blue), and press Save! If you don't want to combine the two sessions (or runs) into one, simply disable the slider and you'll be able to fill in the Session details like you normally would.
When combining runs into one session, you can update the Session Photo & Session Description to represent the new stoke or status of the session as a whole. The Session Spot is locked and can't be changed when combining runs into a session.
Unlocked AchievementsIf you've unlocked any new achievements during the session, you're likely to see which achievements you unlocked. We want to celebrate those special moments of progression and achievement with you! While looking at the awesome new Achievement you just unlocked, you can easily share your accomplishment. Share the Stoke!
Q: Will I lose my sessions when I update the WOO Sports App?
A: No. The update process is designed so that you won't lose any of your sessions. You will only lose any unsaved sessions that are on your phone when you completely remove the WOO Sports App from your phone. Or when you delete all cached data related to the WOO Sports App from your phone.
Q: Will I lose any unsaved sessions when I update the WOO Firmware?
A: No. Any unsaved sessions that are on your phone will not be lost by updating the firmware on the WOO. Any sessions that are not yet downloaded from your WOO will be deleted though. The Firmware Update requires a clean swipe of the WOO, so make sure you download all sessions from your WOO before initiating the firmware update.
Q: Will I lose any not yet downloaded sessions when I update the WOO Firmware?
A: Yes. The Firmware Update requires a clean swipe of the WOO, so make sure you download all sessions from your WOO before initiating the firmware update.
Q: I'm not seeing the 'New Firmware Available' popup, is my WOO broken?
A: Nope, if your not seeing the 'New Firmware Available' popup, it simply means your WOO is already running the latest and greatest firmware available for your WOO.
Updated 2 days ago