Apple Watch: Setup
Permissions / Settings
We want you to have fun with your Apple Watch! But, it is critical to set it up properly - the WOO Watch app cannot and will not function properly if all permissions and settings are set properly. Once done, using it will be a breeze!
New Apple Watch app / Latest app version (November 2021)
Install latest iOS phone app
In March 2021, we released a brand new Apple Watch app, in July 2021, a Health Kit integration, and in November 2021, yet another version of the Apple Watch app. Note that in order to have the latest app installed on your Watch, you to have to have the WOO Sports app 3.17.0 (or higher) installed on the phone that is connected to the Watch
Always On Screen (New in November 2021 release)
Watch OS 8 and Watch Series 5 and higher required
This functionality is only available on Apple Watch Series 5 and newer, and requires you to have Apple Watch OS 8 and higher installed on your watch.
To enable the Always On Screen, go to the Apple Watch App on your phone:
Watch App > Display & Brightness > Always On > On
Here is how it generally works:
- After some time, your Apple Watch switches to lower brightness (instead of blurring the whole screen as before). In that mode screen updates can happen only 1 time per second. Screen is visibly dimmed, but still shows the app.
- To indicate to the user that the Apple Watch and WOO App is in the lower brightness mode, paging dots under the screen are hidden and lines color changed from blue to grey.
- Due to the frame rate limited to 1 frame per second, the Jump Animation is disabled in the lower brightness mode. This means that the Jump Height Metric just changes instead of jumping in place with a smooth and colorful animation.
Required Permissions
Please make sure all permissions requested by the app are granted. You are asked the first time you open the Watch app. If you missed them, the system won’t ask you again, so you’ll have to enable all permissions manually through the regular Settings on the phone connected to the watch.
Phone Settings > Privacy > Location Services > WOO Sports:
Allow Location Acess - Always
Precise Location - Enabled
Phone Settings > Privacy > Bluetooth > WOO Sports - Enabled
Phone Settings > Privacy > Health > WOO Sports > Enable all WRITE and READ operations

Walking + Running Distance
This setting may or may not be visible to you. Either way, it is not critical for the function of the WOO / Health Kit integration.
Important Settings
Minimum Jump Height:
Setting the minimum Jump Height in your WOO Watch app is critical when you ride in choppy water / waves. Otherwise, a small jump could be measured shortly after a big one, and "overwrite" the results of your big jump.
Disable Screenshots
To switch between data screens on your Watch when the screen is locked, press both side buttons together. By default, the system also takes a screenshot after pressing these buttons – to disable that, open the Watch app on your phone:
Watch App > Settings > General > Enable Screenshots : Disable
If you use a Passcode on your Apple Watch, please disable “Wrist Detection”. With wrist detection passcode it is impossible to use the watch over a wetsuit:
Watch App on your phone > Passcode > Wrist Detection: Disable
Wake Screen:
The app should show up on the screen after the watch wakes up, but it might help to reinforce it in settings:
Watch App on your phone > General > Wake Screen > Return to clock: “After 1 hour”
scroll down to the WOO app and enable Custom settings “After 1 hour”

Updated 2 days ago